come away with me

As the prayer week transitions into regular rhythm, it has been good to draw near to the Lord.  Yesterday morning as she was praying, Jenn sensed the Lord speaking the Norah Jones song, Come Away with Me.  Associating it with vacation times, she felt like the Father was simply calling her, calling us to come away with Him.  To spend time resting in His arms.  Hearing her made me think of this verse for us all "Therefore I am now going to allure you;  I will lead you into the wilderness and speak tenderly to you."  (Hosea 2:14).  I think the Lord desires us to draw near to Him so He can address us.

As we look at the rest of the week, we only have five open slots remaining.  Two are today, Wed 11a and 1p.  One tomorrow morning during the night watch Th 4a and one early Friday morning Fr 12a and in the beginning of the evening,  6p. Consider joining us in setting aside some time for Him and click here to sign up for one of the remaining slots.


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